Technical service

  • Safety evaluation of new drugs
    Drug off-target is a key parameter to evaluate drug safety, which will lead to unpredictable clinical toxicity and affect the development of clinical trials ...
  • New target discovery
    Taking CAR-T target research as an example, the current target in clinical research is mainly focused on CD19. The proportion of CAR-T clinical trials targeting CD19 in China ...
  • Virus mechanism study
    The process of virus invading host cells can be divided into six steps: adsorption, invasion, shelling, synthesis, assembly and release.Adsorption is not only the key to...
  • Ligand-Receptocr de-orphaning
    Orphan receptor are receptors that are structurally similar to other identified receptors, but whose endogenous ligands have not yet been discovered.
  • Specificity analysis of monoclonal antibody
    In recent years, monoclonal antibody drugs, including antibody coupling drugs, have been widely used in the treatment of various diseases, but it is not uncommon for serious clinical side effects to occur due to mistargeting. In the process of antibody drug development, the closer the candidate molecules are to the terminal detection, the higher the cost of development failure.
  • ScFvs specificity analysis
    As a "live medicine" different from traditional medicine, CAR-T therapy brings breakthrough surprises to the market in the field of tumor therapy. ScFv is one of the most critical components of CAR-T drugs, and its specificity determines the safety of CAR-T therapy.
Confirmation of optimal incubation concentration
High throughput chemiluminescence screening
Final confirmation by flow cytometry
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